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Song of the Year Songwriting Contest

November's Top Songwriters

Runner Ups

  Runner Ups are based on the point system alone. The judges each month are given forms to rank the songs they receive on elements like structure, melodies, music, lyrics, etc......    This is what the Winners and Finalists are selected by. The Runner Ups are based on high scores from the judges. The Runner Ups are the highest ranked songs that did not make it into the top five picks.  A special congratulations to Isabel Lavender who received "two" runner up placements in November's round.


Aasa Mollen
Adam Bailine
Angelina Norton
Berkley Burch
Chris Brits
Daniel Schneider
Dion Farrell
Don  Barber
Donna Schreier
Dorothy Raffield
Elizabeth Van Dyke
Elton Clifton
Eric Wold
Frank Dieter
Gene Pursifull
Grant Ward
Hadassah Cornish
Isabel Lavender
Jeffrey Thomas
Jim Vilandre
Jochanan Samama
Joe Presti
Johan Lotand
John Visconti
Kathryn Priestley
Kevin Edwards
Kristofer Gray
Mikayil Vakilov
Natalie Gochenour
Paul Suchin
Peter Farrell
Robert Shaw
Sharon Nelson
Shelia King
Timothy Lindsley
Vladimir Blagush