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Songwriting Contest Results October's Top Songwriters Suggested Artists Suggested Artists- Suggested Artists are musicians or songwriters that the Song of the Year staff found impressive and would suggest for listening. The Suggested Artist placement is based on the Song of the Year staff, not the judges.
Adrian Fabricante Alice Zech Andrea L. Mizell Ann Marie Morrissey Anna Segal Anne Olsen Anne Robinson Bobby Daye Brandon Scott Raymond Brian Pakkala Darrin Grandison David Basta |
David Carter Debra J. Elliott Dennis Cooke Edna Poole Emanuel Nkulila Eric Wold Francis Carey Gary Lithgon Ilja Rosendahl Jeff Powers Jessica Caballero John Osborne |
Jude Jones LaNae Rivera Larry Todd Liza Erlank Lorenzo D. Policelli Mark Wilson Paul Nelson Pearl Pennington Blevins Phillip Mcintyre Phillip Yacone Ragni Elisabeth Funner Ray Rivera |
Raymond Woodall Richard Aldin West Richie Campbell Robert Brown Jr Samuel Seay Sean Tomlinson Shayne Britton Stanley Baker Stefan Kristinkov Steven Mecozzi Tara Lynn Ritts Timothy Durkin Tony Varcoe |