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Song of the Year songwriting contest

July's Top Songwriters

Runner Ups

  Runner Ups are based on the point system alone. The judges each month are given forms to rank the songs they receive on elements like structure, melodies, music, lyrics, etc......    This is what the Winners and Finalists are selected by. The Runner Ups are based on high scores from the judges. The Runner Ups are the highest ranked songs that did not make it into the top five picks.  


Adam Marino
Adam Savage
Alan Grier
Andrey Russanov
Anja Ghielli
Antonio Michael
Augusto Marino
Ayana Baker
Bo Christensen
Boyan Radoslavov
Brett Day
Brian Emmel
Brian Murphy
Bridget Westwood
Bruce E. Radek
Caitlin Eadie
Carissa Plumm Chapman
Charles E. Vermette
Charlotte Harris
Cheryl Rivera 
Dave Downs
David Pattison
Deborah Lee
Donald Tuttle
Eddie Sutphin
F.J. Nascimento
Gabriella Paolini
Gary Horowitz
George Strauss
James Bacon
Jean Moses
Jeannot Tremblay
Jeff Sammon
Jeff White
Jeffrey A. Sims
Jimmy Decker
Joe Gutierrez
John Graham
Johnnie Stanfield
Johnny Harp
Juan Rosero
Laura A Woodfill
Levi Emmendorfer
Liz Garvin
Loot Muney 
Luis Manuel Tumialan 
Ohad Tsamir

Patricia Scott
Patty Greer
Ramos Begonia 
Randy Pennington
Richard Ciparro
Robert Firment
Robert Gwilliam
Robert Bruce Turnbull
Scott Price
Stephen Weir
Steve Phillips
Tony Ray Klimek 
William Klekas